Sunday, October 5, 2008

GARP Sponsorship

In difficult times, we should always be on guard. On guard meaning that when the going gets tough, we should arm ourselves with the right skills and knowledge to weather the times and that, in the end, we will be one of the people standing.

Now, for my case I want to attend the Global Association of Risk Professionals' 5th Annual Asia Pacific Convention on November 19-21 in Hong Kong. Basically, the talks will be ALL about risks and risks management. After all, isn't the breakdown of risk management the cause of Lehman Brothers' demise? OR isn't it the cause of the impending global financial crisis that forced the US's government's hand to bail out capitalism to the tune of $700 billion?

As I said, it is difficult times. So, this is a public appeal to those who have deep pockets for financial help so that I can attend this event. I need U$1,500 to attend this event. Any amount/help is welcome.

So what's in it for you if you sponsor me? First, hundreds of finance professionals are attending the convention. My business cards with your company name and logo will be distributed. Second, your company name and logo will be displayed in my blog and facebook. Third, an email to to my 1000+ networks will be send out with an article about your donation. Lastly, a blog post about your company or any of your product will be posted in my blog and sent out to my networks.

Sounds great, then email me at or sms me at 00639209515051 for sponsorship details.

Your donation can do much I assure you.

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