Monday, October 6, 2008

why plans are important, and why following them is so much more

OK, I fancy myself as a sophisticated investor. Two weeks ago, I was proven way, way off mark. Here's what happened ...

I have this small notebook I carry with me anywhere I go. This is where I wrote the stocks I want to buy at how much and how many lots. But hey, plans go awry. A plan that I didn't stick with made a deep hole in my pocket.

I wrote in my little notebook that I wanted to buy 20,000 (0 lots) of Filinvest Land, Inc. (FLI) at 0.70. At that time it was selling at 0.80. When it went down to 0.76 I got so excited, I throw caution to the wind and bought at market. Yay! Two weeks ago, FLI's nose diving tour continued and seemed the end is yet unreachable.

I learned my lessons well. STICK to the PLAN and PROSPER. So, the next plan is EDC at 3 board lots at P3.50.

Chart for FLI based on closing prices

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