Monday, August 4, 2008

An Epiphany of Money

e piph a ny (noun) [i piffenee]
a sudden intuitive leap of understanding, especially through an ordinary but striking occurrence (Encarta)

I just had an epiphany, few days before my 28th birthday - four days to be exact. Yes, I will be 28th the day the Beijing Summer Olympics open.

My epiphany is this - I am not getting younger, and yet I still don't have a million pesos under my name. True, I have earned millions since I started working, but where did ALL that go?

Of course, I know where it all went. I have spent them all on shoes, dresses, senseless books, trips, foods, etc., nothing to brag about and nothing to help me in my old age (ehem), but there you go - ALL my earnings blown away.

I want that first million pesos - financial gurus say that the first million is the hardest to have, the next millions are a breeze. Hence, I created this blog - my first million - to chronicle my journey in putting a million under my name. Yes, it is symbolic, but I won't stop at a million, but it is my first step. My first million is just a title, see. As I face the world everyday, I will be looking at the goal always and I hope that soon I will attain it.


[picture is from]\


Al said...

Yes and welcome to the Club...I am working with my First Million as well before the end of 2009. It never came a thought until I started reading the book "Winning the Game of Life." Yes the First 1M is tough coz we need to master the process. Prof Ed Morato had said in many occassions, its just the process that we need to Master. Liz, u may like to join her ME (Master in Entrepreneurship)program...all the best!

An aspiring millionaire said...

Hi Al,

Thank you. Good luck sa atin.
I will finish my MBA first before starting any post graduate program.


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